This page introduces some of the most notable members, especially the Core Team, and the Steering Council. Their roles are defined by the Crystal Governance document.
Core Team
The Core Team manages the development of Crystal and its ecosystem.

Core Team Alumni
These awesome people have served as core team members in the past. They are listed here to record and honor their contributions.

Some people help with administrative duties, for example related to the management of assets and infrastructure, and communications.
They have access to some resources and may participate as representatives of Crystal, but are not Core Team members. They do not take part in project decisions.

Community Moderators
Some experienced members of the community help moderating the community channels. They have the Triage role on GitHub which gives them the ability to assign labels, open & close issues/PRs, apply milestones, mark duplicates, assign issues/PRs and request reviews.

450+ Contributors
Besides those that are explicitly named, this is a call out to hundreds more contributors who put their work into the project.
Our sponsors
All this is only possible through our generous sponsors which help sustaining the project.
Check out our sponsorship page at OpenCollective if you want to become one of them.
Corporate sponsors please reach out to We're happy to work with you.
Join the team
If you want to become a contributors, see our Contributing Instructions and Code of Conduct.
Community members with a good understanding of the current processes and topics in the Crystal community, can be considered to be become a moderator. Respectable and helpful conduct is obviously required for that. If you think you qualify and want to apply, please don't hesitate to contact the core team at